A Clash of Two Kingdoms

Read John 18:33-37

Have you ever had someone question your rightful authority? Have you ever given a truthful answer only to be called a liar, ridiculed, lectured, and mocked? Have ill consequences followed someone else’s false decision of who you are, your intentions, or your actions? These are gut-wrenching, worst-of-the-worst scenarios. To even think of them may cause a pit your stomach. 

I’m sure you, like me, have been amazed at Jesus’ ability to claim truth, be ridiculed, and respond in love over and over again in Scripture. 

To be honest, these scriptures are really hard for me to read. The death of Jesus appears to be completely outrageous and totally uncalled for. Pilot even admits,“I find no basis for a charge against him.” Yet the crowd rallied against this claim and put Jesus to death. The only perfect Being to ever walk the Earth. 

The world is broken. Somedays it is more glaringly obvious than others. Jesus knew this and knew His mission in response to this. Jesus tells Pilot, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.” 

Jesus knew this moment was coming for His entire earthly life. He knew that He would be put to death and chose to face the Cross, out of love, for us. It turns out to be a beautiful picture of willing, self-sacrifice and unfathomable love: God’s gracious grand plan for our salvation.

But is there a more telling picture of the clash of two kingdoms? Our earthly kingdom in relation to the heavenly kingdom? One on display as perceived utter mutiny and the other personified as perfect grace and peace.  

How do we as Christians live with a foot in both worlds? How do we fight for fairness now while trusting in God’s ultimate plan for both redemption and justice? Perhaps the first step is to fall on our knees in gratitude for the One who paid it all, to respond in reverent worship, and accept the free-gift of salvation that comes from this very Cross. 

For Reflection: Reflect on the gift of the Cross and praise God for your salvation. Compare and contrast the words redemption and justice. How do they fit into God’s earthly kingdom? How do they fit into God’s heavenly kingdom? How do we as humans fit into God’s plans for these things?  

by Rachael Sheets