Jesus and His Kingdom Work

Read Matthew 4:18-25, 9:35-38

Jesus called and Peter, Andrew, James and John immediately left their work as fishermen to follow Him. They did not possess education, power, wealth or fame, yet Jesus would make them fishers of people—not fish! They witnessed God’s kingdom coming through Jesus’ teaching, preaching and healing. Something new was happening and people were amazed and drawn to Jesus! The Pharisees questioned His authority and the crowds grew large. Jesus had compassion on the people in their deep spiritual hunger and need; this is why He came. They needed a shepherd-king to lead, guide and care for them. Jesus told His disciples this was God’s harvest field, workers were needed and to pray for God to send workers. They became those workers and received God’s power to do His work and be carriers of His message to the people: God loved the world and was providing the way of salvation through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.  

This work continues in and through all who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His Church. Like the crowds of people gathered around Jesus, all people urgently need Jesus and the salvation that comes only through Him. In Christ, we are new creations and His compassion for all people works in us to bring His Good News to them. 

As I see, listen to and experience what is happening in the world around me, I can struggle with what to think, say or do. In these times of suffering, turmoil and strife, messages and directives come from many sources. There are calls for action and many voices trying to provide explanation, meaning and direction. But when I go to Jesus and search the Word of God I hear His voice, receive His call and follow Him. I must ask: do I know, love and obey Jesus? Will I obey God’s call to leave comfort, a certain lifestyle, or position of praise, status, fame or certain income for the work of His kingdom? Am I praying for God’s equipping and sending to His harvest field? Jesus’ authority and that given to His disciples was not trusted by the world. Will I trust and follow Jesus even when I am opposed or do not know all circumstances? Do I act in obedience to serve, and tell the message of the Good News of Jesus in and through my thoughts, words and deeds? Do I have His peace and dwell on His Word? Am I one in mind, love, spirit and purpose with Christ and His Church proclaiming one Lord and Savior, who has acted and spoken for all of humanity, and is our only way of salvation?

Father, may we all be disciples of Jesus that follow Him in faith, righteousness, justice, hope and love, serving in the power of the Holy Spirit in your kingdom work. May we joyfully share in the Good News of Jesus, His sufferings and His eternal glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

by Karen Whaley