Your Response Requested

Read Mark 1:14-20

Jesus preached that God’s kingdom was near and coming. He urged people to respond to this Good News by repenting and believing. Many may assume this is a message for new-believers. It is, but it’s for the seasoned believer, too. Each day we have the choice to respond to the call of the kingdom. Repenting and turning from our sins is a daily practice. The daily practice of confession draws us deeper into God’s grace. Believing is also a daily choice, too. If we believe that God’s kingdom is both near and coming, how does that shape our lives? Let’s look at how the invitation to believe shaped the lives of Jesus’ first disciples.

In Mark 1:16-20, there is a sense of urgency as Jesus calls these two sets of brothers to follow Him and become His disciples. When the brothers leave behind their nets and boats to follow Jesus, they are not leaving a struggling business, but a thriving one (which can be assumed because James and John were able to hire workers). Their response to the urgen- cy of Jesus’ invitation of “Come, follow me,” was to immediately leave what is prosperous and secure to accept Jesus’ radical invitation to be part of the kingdom.

Responding to the Good News of the near and coming kingdom of God requires action. We see the disciples leaving, following, and later in the Gospels, we will see them take on Jesus’ call to be sent out. Jesus offers us the same invitation to “fish for people.” He calls for us to repent and believe and invite others to repent and believe. The kingdom of God is urgent and it calls for a response, for God’s kingdom is truly near, today. How will you respond?

For Reflection:

Consider the disciples’ response. Can we respond to the urgency of God’s kingdom even when it’s uncertain? Even when we have to leave things behind?

What would it look like for you to “without delay” respond to God’s kingdom invitation to repent and believe? How would making these two things daily practices shape your life?

by Mac Littel