Thanksgiving Service
“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” (Psalm 69:30)
Thanksgiving is a day for family to gather and give thanks for what God has done (and is doing). Join us this year for a time of worship, story-telling, and giving thanks with your Eastbrook family. This year, we will be both gathering in person for the Thanksgiving Service, and also live-streaming the service online at Eastbrook at Home.
This years Thanksgiving offering is going to support the efforts of Eastbrook members to privately sponsor refugees from various parts of the world who have been impacted by persecution and war, so that they can come to the U.S. Through our field workers and the Afghan students we have sponsored, Eastbrook members have been invited to join and form Welcome Corps teams to privately sponsor their families or friends impacted by persecution and war. We have at least 4 teams forming, with many more invitations pending. We know resettlement may change come January, but we are committed to the resettlement of these families, or their support so they can find long term residency elsewhere if the path to the US closes. The hope is that Thanksgiving offering will support the housing and resettlement costs for the refugees’ initial three months in the U.S. as they become self-sufficient.
You can give online towards the Thanksgiving Offering at eastbrook.org/giving, or by texting EBCgive to 94000.