Inexpressible Joy

Read Hebrews 13:1-3

Part of the work at the International Community Center is to help refugees and immigrants with filling out forms and applications. It is part of the routine, and at times can be tedious. In today’s video Jim Dressner shared about how he recently was asked to help a family with their application for emergency benefits following COVID-19 related hardships.

For Jim, the timing was not the best, but the work at ICC is about people, and so we make time when these types of situations come up. What meant about an hour of work for Jim meant the difference between financial crisis and stability. When the paperwork was prepared and ready to go, Jim was surprised to see the father of the family crying. It wasn’t tears of sadness but rather joy for the love and care Jim had shown.

Let’s look at the lesson of this story through the lens of our church family. Do we make room for each other, particularly when in need? Or do we only allow for convenient relationships in our life? Read Hebrews 13:1-3 and reflect on these questions and this passage. Spend time with God asking for Him to reveal areas where you could prioritize people over productivity.

Use this devotional as an opportunity to host a conversation with your friends, family, neighbors or small group. After watching today’s video post on, use these steps to discuss the Bible passage for today:

  • One person reads the Bible passage out loud while everyone else follows along.
  • Each person take a turn restating the passage in their own words.
  • Read the passage again.
  • Have each person answer these questions:
    • “What does this tell me about God?”
    • “What does this tell me about me?”
    • “What does this tell me I ought to do?”
  • Have each person share who they know that they will share this with.

by Jim Dressner