The Holy Spirit in Us: Living in the Kingdom of God
September 20, 2020
The basic declaration of faith for the Christian is “Jesus is Lord” (Romans 10:9). This flies in the face of the declaration that “Caesar is Lord” at the heart of the Roman Empire during the time of the New Testament. What did it mean to live in God’s kingdom then and what does it mean now? We will look at Philippians as a kingdom citizenship guide and also explore guidance from Colossians on seeing the Church as a replacement of the Greco-Roman polis.
Romans 10:9; 14:17-18; Philippians 3:20; Colossians
Other Sermons In This Series
God is King: Tracing the Kingdom of God through the Old Testament
September 06, 2020
Jesus is Lord: Tracing the Kingdom of God in the New Testament
September 13, 2020
The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of this World
September 27, 2020