God the Holy Spirit
September 23/24, 2017 The Father’s story and the Son’s love is not the end. By the grace of God found in Christ we can access the presence of God in...

What’s so Random about Kindness?
June 2017 YoPro MKE Talk Back in the mid-1990s, a book was published called “Random Acts of Senseless Violence” that followed a New York City family living in an urban...

May 2017 YoPro MKE Talk Pastor Kevin Oelke from Mercy Hill Church brings a message on the virtue of patience—everyone’s least favorite topic!

April 2017 YoPro MKE Talk In April, Pastors Matt and Kelly Erickson brought the word on the virtue of peace as we continue our series, Juicy Fruit, on the fruit...

Nothin But Love
February 2017 YoPro MKE Talk The first fruit of the Spirit is LOVE. The greatest commandment is LOVE. God is LOVE. Yet the thing most lacking in our world (and...

Spiritual Freedom
January 31/February 1, 2015 What does it really look like to live with freedom? Paul describes the freedom in Christ that comes by the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence. Here is...