Living Like Light in the World
May 25/26, 2019 This week will close out the series by inviting people to commit to neighboring and sharing the light of Christ with people immediately around them. Key Texts:...

Barriers to Loving Your Neighbor
May 18/19, 2019 This weekend will look at excuses we make about or barriers we have to loving our neighbors, giving specific attention to barriers of time and fear. Dealing...

Taking the Great Commandment Literally
May 11/12, 2019 This week will build from last weekend’s exploration of incarnational theology, leading us to engage with the Great Commandment of Matthew 22. Emphasis here will be on...

Good Samaritan: The Back Story
June 24/25, 2017 Key Passage: Luke 10:25-37

The Other Side: Navigating Politics
October 2016 YoPro MKE Talk Get ready for an uncomfortable topic. In October, we talked about politics at YoPro. No other issue is more ideologically divisive right now than politics,...

God’s Plan for Your Neighborhood
June 28/29, 2014 Nehemiah 3-4

Celebrate (Big Block Bash)!
June 22, 2014 Luke 19:1-10

Rebuilding Our Neighborhood & City
June 14/15, 2014 Nehemiah 1-2

Love Your Neighborhood
May 31/June 1, 2014 A message from Pastor Mark DeYmaz of Mosaic Church.

The Neighbor
April 12/13, 2014 Exodus 20:16-17; Mark 12:31