Redemption and Embodied Sexuality
November 16/17, 2019 This message explores the third chapter with redemption in Jesus Christ. Jesus the eternal Son enters into the fallen cosmos in a real body as Messiah to...

Fall and Embodied Sexuality
November 9/10, 2019 Texts: Genesis 3; Matthew 5:27-28; 19:8; Romans 1:24-32; 6:1-23 This message explores the ways in which all of creation has been impacted by the Fall into sin,...

Creation and Embodied Sexuality
November 2/3, 2019 The series continues by looking at the first chapter: Creation. We are made in the image of God. Our bodies are part of our resemblance of God...

An Introduction to Embodied Sexuality
October 26/27, 2019 This message will introduce the entire series, engaging with cultural discussion, questions within the church, and the need for an overarching (not simplistic) biblical framework for love,...

Sexual & Gender Identity Q&A
with Drs. Mark Yarhouse, Lisa Sinclair and Dave Seemuth This informative Q&A, moderated by Senior Pastor Matt Erickson, followed the “Sexual Identity, Gender Identity and the Christian Faith” seminar with...

Sexual Identity, Gender Identity and the Christian Faith
a Living Well Seminar with Dr. Mark Yarhouse Our culture is changing rapidly regarding sexual and gender identity. How does sexual identity fit with our Christian faith? What is gender...

Samson, Nazarite of YHWH, Get in Touch with the Spirit!
August 6/7, 2016 Samson gets entangled with sexual sin and his own pride in a way that is both humiliating and difficult for God’s people (Judges 16:1-31). What happens when...

Sex and Marriage
August 30/31, 2015 Key passages: Genesis 2:20-25; Song of Songs 8:4-14; Proverbs 5:1-23; Ephesians 5:1-2, 21-33

Sex and the Single Christian
August 22/23, 2015 This week we will talk through what it means to be single – young or old – and live as a follower of Jesus in a sexualized...