A King and His Kingdom
April 16/17, 2017 Resurrection is here! On Easter Sunday, Pastor Matt kicks off our new series, “The Kingdom Life,” with a message from Luke 24:1-12.
April 16/17, 2017 Resurrection is here! On Easter Sunday, Pastor Matt kicks off our new series, “The Kingdom Life,” with a message from Luke 24:1-12.
April 22/23, 2017 Two disciples encounter Jesus on the road to Emmaus and their lives are turned upside down. That is what the kingdom does to us,...
April 29/30, 2017 In light of the resurrection, there is greater meaning to the pathway of discipleship and its cost for us. We look at two passages...
May 6/7, 2017 What?! Me, worry?! Sure we do. Jesus gives us a picture of the kingdom life in relation to worry. The resurrection changes the meaning...
May 13/14, 2017 What is the kingdom of God, anyway? In a western setting where kingdom doesn’t mean much to us in our everyday living, it’s time...
May 20/21, 2017 What does it mean to stay attentive until the end? What is Jesus looking for with our lives and how do we wait until...
May 27/28, 2017 In Luke 11:29-32, Jesus gives us the sign of Jonah as a key signifier of who He is and what He’s about in His kingdom....
June 3/4, 2017 On Pentecost Sunday, we remember the gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to enter into the life of Christ on earth with...