Present in Spirit: Allen Hardrick’s Story
by Ruth Carver Walking into Allen Hardrick’s room at Alexian Village, you know you’re in the presence of a man who loves the Lord and is glad to be “at the table.” On...

God Story: Okumu, Yudah Tadeo
My name is Okumu, Yudah Tadeo. I am originally from Uganda, the Pearl of Africa — it’s such a beautiful country! I was born to Catholic parents in Butema Village in eastern Uganda. I’m...

God Story: Tolu Osemwegie
When I was asked to share my God Story, I took a quick mental scan of my walk with God and got teary-eyed. I grew up in a devoted Christian...

God Story: Emily Herlinger
A God Story is a story of His faithfulness and though I am young, I see God’s faithfulness through every chapter of my life so far. I find that each...

God Story: Racine King
A Story of Faith, Food and Finding Joy Through Suffering As told to Ruth Thompson Carver | Photography by Rachel Radewahn “We had collard greens and cornbread and fried fish…” ...

God Story: Ced Jaggard
A Centennial Celebration! November 25, 2015 marked the 100th birthday of one of Eastbrook Church’s original members, Cedric Jaggard! Cedric Holman Jaggard was born on Thanksgiving Day in Glen Ridge,...

Walking Together with God
by Caitlin Gent | Photography by Anna Mayer Fred and Gini Schneider, who are charter members of Eastbrook, recently celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. Both Fred and Gini have...

From the Front Row
by Jay Wriedt It is no secret that being in the front row is the best place to be. Whether it’s a sport’s game, a theatre performance, or your child’s...

God Story: Michael Ford
Michael Ford is an accomplished drummer, life-long Milwaukeean, businessman, father to Amanda and John, and husband to Carol. Beginning in June, he stepped into the role of Executive Pastor here...

God Story: Oscar Muriu
Oscar Muriu is now the Senior Pastor of Nairobi Chapel in Kenya. Under his leadership, Nairobi Chapel has grown from a 40-person local church to a network of 30 churches...