Caregiving Connection: A Living Well Seminar
Saturday, May 17 · 9 am-12 pm · Holy Grounds Coffeehouse Are you helping out your friend, family member, or neighbor more and more? Are you noticing memory issues? Come...

Grandparenting Matters
Sundays, June 9-July 28 (except July 7) · 9:30-10:30 am · B229 One of the most important things we can do is to be intentional about Christian grandparenting. This is...

Marriage in Life’s 2nd Half
Saturday, May 14 · 9 am-12 pm · Holy Grounds “Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.” What is God’s view of marriage in our older years?...

“A Weekend to Remember” Marriage Retreat
March 14-16 · Madison Marriott West (Madison, Wisconsin) Whether you have been married less than a year or over 50 years, invest in your marriage! Join other Eastbrook couples along...

Walking Together with God
by Caitlin Gent | Photography by Anna Mayer Fred and Gini Schneider, who are charter members of Eastbrook, recently celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. Both Fred and Gini have...