Retirement: The Buck Stops Here
Living Well Seminar—May 16, 2015
On May 16, 2015, Eastbrook Church hosted a free workshop, in conjunction with the Boomers and Beyond Ministry, called “Retirement: The Buck Stops Here” Planning for retirement in terms of finances means thinking about money from God’s perspective and making wise decisions. Let’s serve God wholeheartedly as long as we live! At this workshop, three Eastbrook financial experts, Blaine Gibson, Jim Rodrian and Bill Druliner, shared their wisdom in this important area. Listen to the audio below
Other Sermons In This Series

Nuts and Bolts of a Power of Attorney for Health Care (POAHC)
September 27, 2014

Sexual & Gender Identity Q&A
October 14, 2017

Medical Decision-Making Panel Discussion
September 27, 2014