As the children of Eastbrook Church grow, we encourage them to ask questions and study the Bible so their faith walk will grow as well. Using The Gospel Project curriculum, all of our children from preschool through 4th grade are learning the same lesson on the same Sunday, with their lesson presentation and activities differentiated for their age level. So, come Sunday evening, you can review Sunday School lessons as a family, because all of your preschool-4th graders will have had the same Bible content.
At Eastbrook, we want to channel kids’ natural love for singing into praise to our God. Lower Elementary kids stay in the worship service until dismissed at around 8:20 am to the Kids’ Praise and Worship Choir (K4-2nd grade) or the Credo Choir (3rd – 6th grades). Younger children staying through 2nd service will be transferred to their second-service classes by the choir teachers.
Check-in: Little Theater/A006 (Praise and Worship) or B228 (Credo)
Kids’ classes meet during the entire service time for worship, Bible story, and related activities.
Check-in: Lower Level A-Wing
If you’re visiting for the first time, you will need to fill out a Family Registration Form. Use this form to register your family/add a child with the Eastbrook Church Children’s Ministry. You can click here to download the form and bring it with you, or fill it out when you get here.
First-time Check-in (B100 Hallway): If you are checking your child into Children’s Ministry for the first time, you will fill out a Guest Check-in Form, and be directed to the location for your child’s specific class. Especially for Nursery or Preschool children, we ask that you leave your phone on “vibrate” so you can be contacted via text message, if necessary.
Regular Attenders: Regularly attending families who have filled out the Family Registration Form can check-in their child at the Nursery or Preschool Counters using our electronic check-in system. You will be given a security tag to present at pick-up time.
All Eastbrook NextGen events are led by staff and volunteers who have been through an extensive application process, background checks, and training. We maintain strict teacher-to-child ratios to ensure safe care. For health standards, children must be free from fever or symptoms of contagious disease for 24 hours. Let us know of any allergies or medical conditions your child may have.
Fridays · 9 am
Lambs School is for children ages 2 (by September 1, 2024) through 5 years whose mothers attend the Friday Women‘s Bible Study. Lambs will enjoy a structured environment where children learn to memorize God’s Word, to honor and obey His commands and to improve on listening/cooperating skills with other children and adults.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays · 6:30 pm
Kids’ clubs are open to 3rd-4th graders and are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month of the school year. The clubs include Bible study, games, snack, and special events throughout the year.
By God’s design children develop from infancy through adolescence in predictable patterns of physical, cognitive, social, and spiritual growth. As a church community we want to recognize our children’s spiritual milestones, and provide them with incremental steps toward a deeper, closer walk with Jesus. Our FaithMarkers require the cooperative effort of home and church, and they involve times of teaching and celebration.
This FaithMaker incorporates a 6 – 8 week Sunday School unit that explores praying at all times, on all occasions. In a half-day Prayer retreat, kids and parents walk through prayer stations based on each part of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13.
This FaithMarker also includes a unit of Sunday School curriculum, and it explores the composition of the Bible—its genres, authors, and historical contexts. As children are competent readers by this age, they are introduced to the practice of daily Bible reading, and parents present them with a new Bible or devotional during the half-day retreat.
Eastbrook’s NextGen Ministry serves children in our congregation grouped by age. Children progress from Littles (Birth-K4) to Kids (K5-Grade 4), followed by Middle (Grades 5-8) and High (Grades 9-12).
The Accessibility & Belonging Ministry exists to make the gospel and our NextGen ministries available to all children and students.