414.228.5220 x263
414.228.5220 x263
What are your responsibilities at Eastbrook?
My responsibilities include recruiting and encouraging teachers for Sunday School, preparing curriculum and materials for Sunday mornings, praying for kindergarteners and their families, and collaborating with other Children’s Ministry staff for wider church events.
What do you love about what you do?
I love teaching kids about Jesus. He is our hope, he is our king, and he is awesome!
If I had a free afternoon, you would find me…curled up with a cup of coffee and a book.
I’ve been at Eastbrook since…1998.
My life verse is…James 1:5.
My favorite place in the world is…the West Spanish Peak in Colorado.
I’m married to…Mark Mittag.
Proud parent of…Benjamin, Hazel and Daniel.
Marquette University / BA Teaching Secondary English