God Empowers Ordinary People

Read Acts 1:8 

God reveals Himself to ordinary people. He also employs several unlikely men and women to be His instruments. 

Can you imagine the astonishment of the shepherds when the angels appeared and announced Christ’s birth? In biblical days shepherding ranked low in the job/career arena. Shepherds carried an odor—smelly like their sheep. People looked down on them as poor, uneducated, and ceremonially unclean—barred from the temple. Yet, God invited shepherds to Jesus’ first birthday party. 

Thirty years later, Jesus selected twelve unlikely men. Among the group, He chose several unlearned fishermen and a corrupt, disdained tax collector.   

“Jesus, really? You overlooked pious religious leaders for these guys?” Extraordinary!  

Before Jesus left the earth, He commissioned these same men to preach the Gospel. He instructed them to reach out to the Jews and Gentiles. While you are at it, Jesus said, “Reach the world.” Can you hear their internal voices asking, who me? Then, the day of Pentecost occurred, empowering them to do things beyond their human abilities. Clark Kent went inside a phone booth and came out Superman. Jesus’ followers climbed the stairs to the upper room, confused, doubting, and timid. But after the wind of the Holy Spirit, they spilled out into the streets of Jerusalem, clear-headed and bold. I can only imagine their awe and wonder. 

I join hands with the shepherds and the disciples. In college, I needed a tutor to correct my papers before turning them in to my instructors. On our first meeting, the tutor read my beginning paragraph, then looked up at me as if to say, “How in the world did you get into college?” If someone took a poll, I’d top the list of “The most unlikely to write a book”—let alone get one published. But I have done both—seven times.  

Christ commissioned His disciples and me and you! Go! Reach family, community, and the world.  

For Reflection:

  • When have you been most surprised that God is calling you to be His ambassador?   
  • How will you live out that call this week? 

by Victoria McAfee

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