Read Romans 8:9-11
I remember, as a child, being perplexed by the name “Good Friday.” What’s so good about killing Jesus? How can humiliation, mocking, wrongful accusations, and a painful public death be good? It doesn’t make sense in the physical world. It seems like weakness and defeat.
But in the spiritual realm, it is good news! Jesus came to earth for this very purpose. Jesus, being fully God, came to earth, fully human, to obey God the Father. This was God’s plan. Only the One who was without sin could pay the penalty for all of our sins, once and for all. The Old Testament covenant involving animal sacrifices, which had to be made year after year, was replaced with a new covenant. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice. He didn’t just cover over our sins. He takes them away and makes us clean and right with God!
Jesus’ physical death brings us spiritual life. His death unites us to Him- Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Now the Spirit of God lives in those who believe in Him.
How amazing is verse 11!? The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is living inside of us! The Spirit gives life to our mortal bodies! Spiritual life. Our strength doesn’t come from our own will or stubbornness. But we do have access to more power than we can imagine through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, “In this life there will be trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world“ (John 16:33). When the weight of the world gets you down, remember we belong to Christ. What may not make sense to our flesh, has order and purpose in the spiritual realm. We have the victory over the spiritual realm. Our life and our peace come from being rooted in Christ (v. 6). Apart from Him we can do nothing. Those who are led by the Spirit of God are His children (v. 14) and co-heirs with Christ (v. 17).
Holy Spirit, keep me rooted in you. Thank you, Jesus for dying for me! It is a Good Friday indeed!
For reflection:
- What has Jesus saved you from, not just for eternity but in the here and now of your everyday life? How is that Good News to you?
- What difference does it make to you that the Spirit of God (the same Spirit raised Jesus from the dead!) lives in you!
by Stephanie Huston
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