There is a house near where I live that has been under construction for over a year now. I walk past it almost every day as I leave for work, and it has been so cool to see the full transformation from the foundation to now a beautiful home. As I read this passage today, I am reminded of how important it is that Jesus is our cornerstone, the foundation upon which we can build our life.
Just before the verses we read today, Peter tells us that we are being built into a spiritual house, and a royal priesthood. In verse 6, we are reminded from Isaiah 28:16 that God has provided a chief cornerstone. Jesus is the foundation of everything we build our life upon. This passage then says that to those who believe, He is precious. The cornerstone is rejected by the disobedient and unbelieving, but is precious to those who believe.
In verses 7-8 Peter continues on the theme of Christ being the cornerstone, and outlines a story through these verses. The chief cornerstone is a stone that stands at a corner and the same stone becomes the starting place for two walls. Jesus’ desire was to have Jews and Gentiles be united. This stone (Jesus), was a stumbling block for the Jews who thought the Gentiles should not be in the family of God.
It would be unfortunate if this passage ended there, but Peter offers an exhortation which every Christian can declare:
[We] are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (v. 9)
These words are not just reserved to the people of Israel but to all who believe in Jesus! We are brought into the family of God through Jesus.
For Reflection:
- How did you come to believe in Christ? Spend some time journaling on the ups and downs that Christ has brought you through. How has He served as your “cornerstone/foundation” through those times?
- Read v. 10. How have you received mercy from God? How can you extend mercy to others in your life?
by Gabriel Douglas
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