Shalom. I am a cancer-fighting mother and grandmother and my latest daily agenda of events had me on a search for peace. There was the corona virus that was shaking up our world, and everything that went along with it, in addition to the life that was already present before corona came on the scene. I gathered my family for an afternoon movie and a nice luncheon. As we were eating, I explained how I was going away for a few days, but I would return better for me and them. This was quite the news to my grandsons, because this would be over a holiday. “Wait, what is she saying? Nana won’t be here for Christmas?” My grandson asked.
I was in search of a piece of peace.
Does this sound familiar? I can relate to this passage of Scriptures so well and it hit close to home for me. I can remember the pain that I went through before and during the birth of my two sons, but after my eyes looked into those beautiful baby eyes, that moment quickly took me to another place. So often I want and need to feel the peace that I have learned about since I was young, and believed existed. My dear mother would often say, “there’s nothing like peace of mind. The world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away.”
As we listen in on this conversation between Jesus and the disciples, we see that we can ask anything in the Father’s name. Peace is such a precious jewel to have and it’s ours, if we ask and seek the Father.
Jesus Christ has overcome the world! That includes corona, cancer and every trial and tribulation. I’m sure it’s not the same, but I can see my grandsons trying to understand why I had to leave, like the disciples were trying to make sense of what Jesus was telling them. But when I took time away, some intimate time with my Father, I found that peace. Be of good cheer, knowing that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Shalom.
For reflection:
What does peace mean or look like to you? Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring His peace into your life today!
by Patricia White
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