The rainbow is a beautiful promise of the covenant God made with Noah, his sons, their descendants, and all the living creatures that He would not flood to earth again. We, as Noah’s descendants, are heirs of this promise as well.
In the Hebrew, rainbow is the word “bow.” When we hear the word bow, we may think of a bow and arrow, which is a weapon that causes destruction. But this bow in the sky is just the opposite. This bow is God’s sign, His way of saying that destruction of the whole earth through a flood would never happen again. God made this promise through a covenant.
A covenant formally binds two parties together in a relationship, on the basis of mutual personal commitments, with consequences for keeping or breaking the commitment. A covenant is a promise not to be broken.
The vow of marriage is an example of the pledge of a covenant. It is a lifelong commitment that a husband and wife enter knowing it will take work to fulfill. It is not something to be entered lightly. What is unique about the covenant in Genesis 9, is that there is nothing for Noah and his descendants to do to fulfill their end of the agreement. It is a promise of what the Lord will do. This covenant is free of work on man’s behalf, but up to God to fulfill.
Growing up, I always remember my parents being very excited whenever there was a rainbow. When the sun started to come out after a storm was coming to an end, we would often head outside to look for a rainbow. I asked my mom before writing this devotional what was so special for her about rainbows and she said “for us, something good always happens after a rainbow. It’s a sign of hope.” As I reflect on that statement, I realize that a rainbow doesn’t mean that things will get better or our situation will change, but it is a promise of God’s faithfulness. He has been good all along. Through the storms our life, we have a Savior who is with us through it all. May the rainbow be a sign to remember God’s faithfulness.
For Reflection:
- How has God been faithful to you? Have you thanked Him for bringing you through the “storms of life”? Do so today by specifically naming the latest “storm” He carried (or is carrying) you through!
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