As I reflect on the Advent season, I think about how busy these weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas often are. It’s such a wonderful period of time filled with travel, holiday parties, time spent reconnecting with friends, enjoying the company of family, and so much more. I often find it so easy to get caught up in the compressed busyness of the season and on a wider level, the busyness of life during this season.
And as someone who often struggles with being perpetually busy and just finding that there are so many awesome things that I want to be involved in but just not enough hours in a week, I read Psalm 111, and am struck by the beautiful single focus the writer has. In 10 verses there are 24 references to the Lord. In this one Psalm the character of our God is written about, promises for the future are established, references to the past are given, and all glory and praise are summarized by the first (and last) line: “Praise the Lord.” Wow.
In the midst of the Advent season and all that surrounds it, do we need to spend a bit of time being like the psalmist and tying all things back to the proclamation of “Praise the Lord!”? I know for me, that answer is “yes!” It is a constant reminder and a bit of a reality check—one that I am thankful to have amidst a world and year that is so marked by struggle, sin, and suffering. In this season and in all seasons, praise the Lord!
For Reflection:
- Take time today (10 min, 15 min, as much as you can!) to singularly focus on praising God. Start by thanking Him for the ways He has blessed you in the past and move into praising Him for who He is in your life today.
- How can you remember to do this everyday?
- Work this week on memorizing Psalm 111:9-10.
by Zac Lee
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