Hmm… “May it be to me as you have said.”
Really? Can I say this like Mary did with no caveats? Without any “ifs”? May it be to me as you have said if I don’t have to move. May it be to me as you have said if I don’t have to give up my favorite TV show. May it be to me as you have said if I can go with friends. May it be to me as you have said as long as I’m comfortable.
What trust Mary had in her Lord! To step into the unknown willingly. But she stepped with the Known. She did not know where the path would take her, but she had the Ultimate Companion and Guide. Romans 12:1 urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Mary offers herself to be used in God’s plan with no caveats.
Offering myself for service to God is often challenging and accompanied by reluctance on my part. However, I never regret it. God rewards me with peace and great satisfaction in doing His will. He is no one’s debtor. I think of my family’s trips to Haiti. I don’t like to fly, and I don’t like heights. Going to Haiti involves going by air. And getting to Jeremie, where Eastbrook’s field workers, Dr. Wolf and Nurse Cherlie, are based, involves driving along treacherous curvy mountain roads with such steep drop-offs, I don’t know how I managed. However, not only have I gone twice (maybe I was ignorant the first time but how about the second), I am willing to go again. Why? Because God showed up each time and He used me and blessed me in ways hard to explain.
Advent is a time to reflect. How often do we reflect on Mary’s heart and her decision to trust the One she served? Obedience to our God and King is the centerpiece of our walk with Him. There would be no incarnation without obedience. We see the obedience of a Son and the obedience of a girl. Both willing to bow to the will of the Father. May we do the same.
For Reflection:
- Why is it sometimes hard to surrender to God’s will? What are the benefits?
- Reflect on Mary’s heart. What can you learn from her humble response this Advent?
- Work this week on memorizing Romans 12:1-2
by Katherine Riebe
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