414.228.5220 x236
414.228.5220 x236
What are your responsibilities at Eastbrook?
As a ministry resident, I am seeking to discern where the Lord may be guiding me in ministry. I am working alongside Eastbrook to understand where that may be through multiple ministry opportunities in Next Gen and Missions ministries.
What do you love about what you do?
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with amazing people from all walks of life who come together to spread the gospel, despite our differences. The love, kindness, support, and wisdom about the word of God and life that they share encourages me to strive to do better. I aim to extend that same love and kindness to others who may not have that support, but also to those who do have the support, just as Christ showed me through the cross and in my day-to-day life.
If I had a free afternoon, you would find me…car camping out in the middle of nowhere.
I’ve been at Eastbrook since…2024
My life verse is…Ephesians 4:26-32
My favorite place in the world is…my home because I love hosting and cooking for people.