414.228.5220 x245
414.228.5220 x245
What are your responsibilities at Eastbrook?
I help lead worship during our weekend services, I help coordinate our production staff team, and I help our volunteers be trained in how to play different genres of music such as gospel, hymns, contemporary Christian music and world music!
What do you love about what you do?
I love collaborating on music projects in a worship setting and I am so excited to do this with our volunteers! I have been at Eastbrook most of my life and I am excited to be able to serve in full time worship ministry!
If I had a free afternoon, you would find me…
Reading a book, trying out a new coffee shop or at guitar center jamming out to all the guitars they have!
I’ve been at Eastbrook since…1996
My life verse is…Psalm 91:1-2
My favorite place in the world is…anywhere warm with good food!
Trinity International University / BA Christian Ministries