414.228.5220 x235
414.228.5220 x235
What are your responsibilities at Eastbrook?
Worship Choir & Orchestra, Worship Choir Dept. facilitation
What do you love about what you do?
The Lord is great and greatly to be praised! I love to worship the Lord utilizing those with gifts in all areas of the arts, Choir, Orchestra, Dance, Drama, etc!
If I had a free afternoon, you would find me…
Gathering with family in the backyard
I’ve been at Eastbrook since…1987
My life verse is…Isaiah 57:6
My favorite place in the world is…Two places: my kitchen, and in a worship service!
I’m married to…Gerald (Jerry) Pickett
Proud parent of…Joey, Freddie, and Queenie
Bachelor of Music Education, UW-Stevens Point
MM – Master of Music in Performance