414.228.5220 x225
414.228.5220 x225
What are your responsibilities at Eastbrook?
Overseeing all ministry related to NextGen Ministry (birth through high school), coaching a team of leaders, encouraging parents, developing volunteers.
What do you love about what you do?
Raising children is a universal experience, so kids are a natural connecting point. They bring together people of different backgrounds and generations. I love the challenge of creating a community among this diversity of people and encouraging them as they parent their own kids or work with others here at church.
If I had a free afternoon, you would find me…at the beach in summer, in a coffee shop in winter.
I’ve been at Eastbrook since…the 80’s.
My life verse is…John 15:1-8
My favorite place in the world is…wherever my family is! But geographically I would say Italy—church history, art, amazing food, natural beauty—it has everything!
I’m married to…Chris Herlinger
Proud parent of…Emily, Seth, and Jillian
UW-Milwaukee, BA in Education and English
TEDS (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) Masters, Theological Studies