414.228.5220 x208
414.228.5220 x208
What are your responsibilities at Eastbrook?
My work is to help people through those deep waters by pointing them to Jesus and helping them deal with reality. So I oversee the support groups and caring ministries like One to One Care Ministry, DivorceCare, DC4K, Living Waters, GriefShare, and more. I make sure we are visiting our people who are homebound or in hospitals or residential care facilities. I help Eastbrook families plan funerals and memorial services for their loved ones. I do pastoral counseling of individuals and couples. In addition, I am privileged to oversee the Boomers & Beyond ministry and direct the summer internship and year-long residency programs.
What do you love about what you do?
Although much of my work may sound depressing, it is not! I get to be with people when they are the most honest and transparent so I really get to know them. And then I get to see God work in people’s lives in profound ways as they look to him for the help they need!
If I had a free afternoon, you would find me…having lunch with a friend, then reading or playing the piano while sipping hot herbal tea with honey or sweet tea. Or I might be riding bikes with Nick on the Oak Leaf Trail.
I’ve been at Eastbrook since…1982, so I have seen just about every era of the life of the church!
My life verse is…Galatians 5:6b, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”
My favorite place in the world is…my home, and then any place that holds childhood memories
I’m married to…Nick, who is also my best friend
Proud parent of…Andrea (Tyler) and Liz
Proud grandparent of…Saige, Harrison and Lorelai
Wheaton College, Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance
UW-Madison, Master of Music in Music Theory
Bethel Seminary, Master of Divinity