Mark 1:21 says: “They went to Capernaum.” In the previous verses, Jesus had just called Simon, Andrew, James and John to be His disciples. “They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach.” Jesus taught with authority and the people were amazed at His teaching.
Then Jesus showed His authority over an impure spirit. I once watched a drama of this scene, as the demon possessed man spoke (v. 24). The man who portrayed the man possessed by the impure spirit, brought this Scripture to life for me. It showed the evilness of a person possessed. I’m sure that the demon that possessed the man was so much worse than this man could portray. Then Jesus says “Be quiet! Come out of him!” It was amazing to watch this drama and portrayal of the impure spirit coming out of the man, and the man being made whole. It was amazing! The people in the synagogue were amazed and asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching-and with authority!” Jesus was bringing new teaching to the Jews with authority—the old ways/teachings were indeed withering!
When I see and hear of answers to prayer and what God has done in my life and other people’s lives, I must admit I don’t always tell God: thanks for answering this prayer—your answer is amazing. I have a friend who recently told me how God never ceases to amaze her in His answers to our prayers.
“God, please help me to give You the glory You deserve for each and every answer to prayer that I receive—that each answer, no matter how large or small is AMAZING! You are an amazing God! Your teaching in Your Word is amazing also. Help me to approach my Bible study and reading of Your word with anticipation that you are going to teach me something amazing! Your Word also shows me Your authority, power, truth and so much more. Verse 28 says ‘News about Him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.’ Help me, Jesus, to spread the news about You to others around me.”
For reflection:
- What amazing things has Jesus done in my life and others lives?
- How can I spread the news about God and His amazing deeds and words, to others this week?
by Bonnie Satorius
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