Today’s passage from Deuteronomy is part of Moses’ address to the people of Israel before his death and their entry into the Promised Land. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, God is preparing them for the end of their journey through his appointed leader, Moses. As they get ready to cross the Jordan River, God is making it very clear to the people (and to us) that an important choice must be made. Set before all of us is “life and prosperity on the one hand, and death and disaster on the other.” He goes on to tell us how to gain life and prosperity by loving God, walking in His ways, and obeying His laws and commands. How do we do this? Borrowing the imagery from Psalm 1, we do this by rooting our lives deep in the rich fertile soil that is the Word of God, and drinking in the living water that He provides through belief in His Son. If we do this, we shall live and be blessed by God and bring forth good fruit!
In his speech to the people, Moses recounts their story: from the escape from Egypt to wandering in the desert to this moment of truth. Moses tells of the times where the people of Israel chose ‘the other hand’ and experienced pain, suffering and death. He also foretells of times in the future when they will choose ‘the other hand’ and not follow God. I see myself here in the story, like the Israelites (and even Moses) often making the wrong choice and wandering from the God’s path. But praise God that when His people fall, He provides a way back. If we turn to Him and follow Him, He will move us from death to life.
If we look at the passage preceding verse 15, it is like God can hear the people push back against the good news. But God through Moses reassures the people that “what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach” (v. 11) and that “the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it” (v. 14). God has made a way for us to experience His glorious kingdom in part here on earth today. We just need to choose Him, walk in his ways and live!
For reflection:
- What does it practically look like in your life to live out the commands in verse 20, “listen to his voice” and “hold fast to him”?
by Geof Johnson
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