April 30 Update
Much has been happening in the West parking lot!
Today we are expecting a dumpster dropped off north of the modular near the garage. This should be placed with roughly 8 feet of clearance to allow for equipment to be taken out of the garage and allow for pavement work to take place.
There is pavement work taking place on Monday and Tuesday, April 29th and 30th. The pavement company will be working on the perimeter of the modular and some rough areas including the pothole in the driving lane. They are aware of the school hours and car line times. The cure time for the pot hole is only a few hours.
There is also storage unit getting dropped off in the southwest corner of the lot. We are not expecting to get the parking lot restriped this week but sometime near the opening of the modular building.
The modular building has been mostly waiting for inspections we are hopeful that the utilities will turn on in roughly 4 weeks, and we are expecting that after the pavement work the ramps and deck skirt will be installed.
The pantry has been recently drywalled and there will be a floor coating and furnace installed in the near future.
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