Lent 2022
Week 1 Reflection
Use this page either by yourself, with one or two other people or with your small group to reflect on how this week’s readings have impacted you. Reflect on...
Use this page either by yourself, with one or two other people or with your small group to reflect on how this week’s readings have impacted you. Reflect on...
Read Revelation 1:4-8 As I read the words, “the ruler of the kings of the earth“, my thoughts immediately go to fictitious characters such as Aragorn, King of Gondor, or...
Read John 18:33-37 The fact is that we live in a unique time in American history. A country that was originally founded with Christian morals and values has reached a...
Read Ephesians 1:15-23 “Open the eyes of my heart Lord, Open the eyes of my heart, I want to see you, I want to see you.” Recently, Jesus revealed himself...
Read Zechariah 9:9-13 “Behold your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey … his rule shall be from sea to...
Read Matthew 21:1-11 “I love a parade; The tramping of feet, I love every beat I hear of a drum. I love a parade! When I hear a band, I...
Read Matthew 20:17-19; 16:21; 17:22 “When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, ‘Who is this?’ The crowd answered, ‘This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in...
Use this page either by yourself, with one or two other people or with your small group to reflect on how this week’s readings have impacted you. Reflect on Your...
Read Psalm 51:6-17 As we begin this Lenten season, my thoughts go back a couple of years to when I was in college. Lent coincided with a class I was...
Read Isaiah 58:1-12 Isaiah 58 starts with God’s call to Isaiah, asking him to boldly proclaim the sin and rebellion of his people. Verses 1-4 talk about how God’s people...