Becoming Real, Eastbrook 365, Lent 2021
Sabbath Day: Saturday, May 1
This week, we have been examining Matthew 7:12, known as the Golden Rule, by examining other New Testament passages that expound on Jesus’ call to love. What did you learn...
This week, we have been examining Matthew 7:12, known as the Golden Rule, by examining other New Testament passages that expound on Jesus’ call to love. What did you learn...
While the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) described what life in the kingdom of God should look like, this next segment of the book of Matthew (chapters 8-12) shows...
Read Ephesians 4:25-5:2 Ephesians 4 concludes with calling us to some specific things in order that: “…you should no longer walk as the rest of the nations walk, in the...
Read Mark 12:28-33 The teacher who approached Jesus recognized Jesus’ knowledge and needed a simple answer. He knew the law, but trusted that Jesus could help him truly understand...
Read Matthew 22:36-40 As a geometry teacher, I teach my students formulas for problem-solving in many situations. It’s better, though, and more fun, to teach them the basic theorems...
Read Romans 13:8-12 “No, the burned hand teaches best. After that advice about fire goes to the heart.” –J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers We humans often know the path we should take—get...
Read John 13:34-35 Have you ever had someone serve you in an unexpected way? I’m sure the disciples were shocked that someone in authority over them would stoop down...
Read Matthew 7:12 The word love is used hundreds of times throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament. Love is both a noun (a thing) and...
Jesus says, “Ask, seek, and knock, and it will be given, you will find, and the door will be opened.” But what does Jesus really mean by these words in...
Read Psalm 86:1-13 Late one evening, my mother called. She had just spoken with a police officer who told her that my brother “was not doing well.” She asked...