Becoming Real, Eastbrook 365, Lent 2021
Persistent Prayer
Read Luke 18:1-8 In this parable Jesus is talking to His disciples. A disciple is a follower or learner. If we have surrendered our lives to the Lord by...
Read Luke 18:1-8 In this parable Jesus is talking to His disciples. A disciple is a follower or learner. If we have surrendered our lives to the Lord by...
Read Psalm 34:1-10 Deliverance describes our lifelong journey and has special meaning in relationship with Jesus. We are sick and sinful. We have trials and troubles. We have opposition and...
Read Ephesians 6:18-20; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 These verses have always challenged me. “Pray without ceasing!” “Pray at all times with all kinds of prayers!” As a kid I...
Read Mark 11:12-14; 20-25 What does a cursed fig tree have to do with prayer? Is this just an extreme example of hanger (anger brought on by hunger)? First,...
Read Matthew 7:7-11 Years after it happened, our son told us about some bullying he’d experienced in middle school. We hurt for him, but we also wondered, “Why didn’t you...
This week, we have been studying a portion of the Sermon on the Mount, as well as other New Testament letters, that address judgment. We’re often told not to be...
Read Galatians 6:1-5 “Don’t judge me!” It’s a phrase often uttered in jest between friends over awkward dance moves or strange food combinations. It’s often yelled in defense of...
Read Romans 14:10-19 I’ve always been fascinated by those ambiguous pictures that can be viewed multiple ways (the effect is called the Gestalt Switch). The first one I remember seeing...
Read James 4:7-12 In verse 6, which directly precedes our passage today, James tells us that God gives us grace. That is why we “submit, then” to God. One...
Read Colossians 3:12-17 Legend has it that silk was discovered by Chinese Empress Leizu, or Xi Ling-shi, wife of Emperor Huang Ti, about 3000 BC. In one story, she is...