Lent 2024
Because He Said So
Read John 14:6-14 Many years ago, I remember my mother and father trying to explain things to me but my stubbornness would cause me to question everything they said. They...
Read John 14:6-14 Many years ago, I remember my mother and father trying to explain things to me but my stubbornness would cause me to question everything they said. They...
Read Psalm 1 and John 15:1-17 Holy Week begins with what I think is the most uncommercialized holiday in the whole year: Palm Sunday. Nobody buys gifts for each other,...
Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual discipline or spiritual practice together. Today, we are practicing Service with Cheri...
Read Philippians 1:9-11 I love Paul’s prayer for the believers in Philippi. He starts praying from Philippians 1:3. Isn’t it awesome to have someone who genuinely cares for us, praying...
Read Ephesians 5:8-11 “That’s Mr. Smith’s daughter” says the elderly neighbor pointing at me, a child walking down the street in my neighborhood. This also happened at family reunions. “That’s...
Read Psalm 92:12-15 This Psalm 92 tree has been planted intentionally in the house of God, roots going down deep for life. It is growing steadily and is strong. It...
Read Galatians 5:22-25 This passage shows us what our lives would look like when we let the Holy Spirit lead us. I have heard of the fruit of the Spirit...
Read Colossians 1:9-12 Paul begins his letter to the church in Colossae by emphasizing the power of prayer; prayer not just of gratitude for the ways that he has seen...
Read Psalm 1:3 and John 15:1-8, 16-17 “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.”...
Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual discipline or spiritual practice together. Today, we are practicing Surrender with Katherine...