Author Archives: Eastbrook Church

Eastbrook Church

Day by Day
Lent 2024

Day by Day

Read Colossians 2:6-12 I have raised four boys. Their idea of a great gift was one that they could take apart in order to find out how it worked. Sometimes,...

February 27, 2024
Everyone is Included
Lent 2024

Everyone is Included

Read Romans 12:1-5 I remember when I was a little kid, my sister would get into trouble. I would think to myself, “I would never do that, I’m much more...

February 27, 2024
A Gifted Community
Lent 2024

A Gifted Community

Read Ephesians 4:11-16 My family began attending Eastbrook in the late 90s when I was ten years old. As a junior high student, I had incredible mentors at Eastbrook who...

February 26, 2024
The Connected Life
Lent 2024

The Connected Life

Read John 15:1-17 Have you ever rubbed shoulders with a celebrity or some other important, recognizable, or well-known person? A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet with...

February 25, 2024
Practice: Bible Memorization
Lent 2024

Practice: Bible Memorization

Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual discipline or spiritual practice together. Today, we are practicing Bible Memorization with...

February 24, 2024
Bearing Fruit
Lent 2024

Bearing Fruit

Read John 12:20-25 I am a gardener; or at least I like to think that I am. Truth be told, I still have a lot to learn about planting and...

February 23, 2024

February 22 Update

Not much progress happened this past week. The site is ready for the modular contractors to move the modular building into place, and we are waiting for an install date. Please...

February 22, 2024
Lessons from a Cottonwood
Lent 2024

Lessons from a Cottonwood

Read Jeremiah 17:5-8 This past December my wife, Lisa, and I traveled to Southern Utah to visit several national parks. We marveled at vistas in Zion, Bryce, Canyonlands, and Arches;...

February 22, 2024
False Gods
Lent 2024

False Gods

Read Joshua 24:14-15 As we explore the image and idea of being planted this week, my mind is drawn to the parable of the sower. I think especially of the...

February 21, 2024
The Road Less Traveled
Lent 2024

The Road Less Traveled

Read Matthew 7:13-14 Chances are you’ve heard Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken”—perhaps most famously, the last three lines:  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took...

February 20, 2024