Advent 2020, Eastbrook 365, Family Tree
Facing the Unknown
Read Matthew 1:1-17 My dad would have been 58 this year. I was reminded of this by my Swedish grandmother, Mor Mor. Not that I needed the reminder, but I did enjoy...
Read Matthew 1:1-17 My dad would have been 58 this year. I was reminded of this by my Swedish grandmother, Mor Mor. Not that I needed the reminder, but I did enjoy...
Worship Experience Response: Mary Today is the final Sunday of Advent! Our season of waiting is just about over! Mary and Joseph draw close to Bethlehem, and in our readings, we focus...
Week 3 Family Talk: Joseph If you have ever seen a live play, you know that there’s something magical that happens between acts. The stage curtains open, and suddenly, the audience is transported to...
Read Matthew 2:13-22 I love the perspective we get in Matthew’s gospel on Jesus’ extraordinary birth. Luke gives us Mary’s point of view in his gospel, but Matthew gives us Joseph’s. We...
Read Luke 2:21-33; 39-40 When I think of Joseph, I have to admit that, at first, he seems a small part of the BIG story. There aren’t many songs sung about him during Advent,...
Read Luke 2:1-7 Luke 2:1-7 is my favorite Christmas story. We used to read it to our kids each year on Christmas morning, before we went downstairs to open our gifts. The...
Read Matthew 1:18-25 Have you ever faced a daunting life decision that entirely consumes your waking and sleeping thoughts? When we can’t seem to figure it out, we look toward heaven and...
Read Matthew 1:1-17 At first glance, Matthew 1:1-17 feels like an endless list of names. However, this passage is steeped in God’s fulfilled promise woven throughout generations. In Matthew, we see a...
Worship Experience Response: Joseph Traditionally, this third Sunday of Advent is known as the Joy Sunday. The traditional purple candles of the Advent wreath are set aside for a pink one this week....
Women of Faith and Redemption “May the LORD reward you for what you have done. May the LORD, the God of Israel, bless you richly. You have come to him to find safety under his care.” Ruth 2:12 (NIrV) When you think of safety, what comes to mind? Maybe your home, your school, or a friend’s house? Maybe safety to...