Eastbrook 365, Kingdom of God
Sub • Mission
Read James 4:1-12 This week, we have been talking about what it means to be kingdom people in a divided world. It’s fitting that this is the last Scripture passage...
Read James 4:1-12 This week, we have been talking about what it means to be kingdom people in a divided world. It’s fitting that this is the last Scripture passage...
For this year’s MissionsFest we are returning to a core truth of what it means to be on mission together: We’re Family. This theme is particularly important in our current season of...
Israel has one of the world’s highest rates of infection compared to its population. On September 18th, Israel began their second lockdown, as new cases have reached a daily high...
Read 2 Timothy 2:22-26 This passage is both beautifully and powerfully written. Paul uses strong language at the beginning of these verses, “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and...
Read Titus 3:1-11 If we watch closely enough, our kids can reveal a deeper understanding of Scripture in the mundane parts of life. Take board games for example. My kids...
The artwork for MissionsFest 2020 is a painting called “Open Table,” painted by Jonathan Shaw this year. Please read his artist statement below. One of my favorite names for God...
Read Ephesians 6:10-20 When I was a kid I used to love playing war. I remember one summer finding the perfect stick to be my sword. It had a swelled...
Read Romans 12:9-21 Can I be honest with you? The state of our country makes me sad, anxious, and angry. Maybe you resonate with those emotions. I see the division...
Use this page to reflect on the worship service you experienced this week. You can include thoughts on the message, the prayers, the music, etc., whatever impacted you the most!...
Use this time either by yourself, with one or two other people, or with your Small Group to reflect on how this week’s readings have impacted you. Reflect on Your...