Lent 2024
He is With You
Read Joshua 1:7-9 These verses are some of my favorites in the Bible. I used to carry Joshua 1:9 on a notecard in my backpack to peek at during the...
Read Joshua 1:7-9 These verses are some of my favorites in the Bible. I used to carry Joshua 1:9 on a notecard in my backpack to peek at during the...
Read Psalm 1:2 and John 15:3-7 There is that time between planting a garden and harvesting it that feels like it stretches on and on. During this time the plants...
Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual discipline or spiritual practice together. Today, we are practicing Prayer Walking with...
Read Ephesians 3:14-19 When I was little, growing up in our house, one thing I distinctly remember were the trees in the back of our yard. There was a whole...
Read John 17:20-26 At a wedding reception, the invitation from the bride and groom ensures that you belong there. If the guests got into a fight, it would be shocking! ...
Read Colossians 2:6-12 I have raised four boys. Their idea of a great gift was one that they could take apart in order to find out how it worked. Sometimes,...
Read Romans 12:1-5 I remember when I was a little kid, my sister would get into trouble. I would think to myself, “I would never do that, I’m much more...
Read Ephesians 4:11-16 My family began attending Eastbrook in the late 90s when I was ten years old. As a junior high student, I had incredible mentors at Eastbrook who...
Read John 15:1-17 Have you ever rubbed shoulders with a celebrity or some other important, recognizable, or well-known person? A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet with...
Each Saturday during Lent, we will take some time as a church family to practice a different spiritual discipline or spiritual practice together. Today, we are practicing Bible Memorization with...