Author Archives: Eastbrook Church

Eastbrook Church

Finishing the Race
Advent 2023

Finishing the Race

Read Philippians 3:13-14 When I played basketball in high school the conditioning workout I dreaded the most was “beach day.” Maybe it sounds fun to you:“Let’s go to the beach...

December 08, 2023
Immanuel with the Bruised and Burnt Out
Advent 2023

Immanuel with the Bruised and Burnt Out

Read Matthew 12:18-21 My graduate school acting teacher often repeated the saying, “The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one.”  The Pharisees in Matthew 12 had...

December 07, 2023
The Desire to Be Holy
Advent 2023

The Desire to Be Holy

Read 1 Peter 1:13-16 Evil seems like such a strong word. Are my desires profoundly immoral when, in a moment of boredom or loneliness, I click through ads on-line and...

December 06, 2023
Praise God!
Advent 2023

Praise God!

Read 1 Peter 1:3-7 I  love to praise God. I love to praise Him with fellow believers. Seeing saints praise our Lord, whom I love, with all their heart brings...

December 05, 2023
Our Hope is Creation's Hope
Advent 2023

Our Hope is Creation’s Hope

Read Romans 8:18-25 Have you ever been without hope? It’s a scary and dark place to be. In 2013, after a bad bout of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and the...

December 04, 2023
Looking for the Day
Advent 2023

Looking for the Day

Read 2 Peter 3:1-9 One of my strongest memories as a child was the Christmas after my first nephew was born. My brother was in the Air Force and he...

December 03, 2023
Advent Devotional Introduction
Advent 2023

Advent Devotional Introduction

When I ran cross country in middle school, one of the basic lessons I learned from my coach was not to spend too much time looking over my shoulder to...

November 10, 2023
"Jesus in Skin"
Speak Out

“Jesus in Skin”

by Jessica Eckert   “At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put...

August 29, 2023
Baptism: Walking in Faith
Speak Out

Baptism: Walking in Faith

by Megan “Mac” Littel Baptisms at Eastbrook are a time for celebration as people publicly declare they are dead to sin and alive in Christ. The practice offers a tangible...

August 29, 2023