by Megan “Mac” Littel
Baptisms at Eastbrook are a time for celebration as people publicly declare they are dead to sin and alive in Christ. The practice offers a tangible expression of this faith milestone.
Caleb Morici was baptized earlier this summer, along with others at Eastbrook who wanted to take this step of faith. Caleb, 27, shares that baptism is an important piece of his discipleship and spiritual growth.
One Sunday during a sermon, Pastor Matt Erickson mentioned baptism as a next step. Caleb’s interest was piqued because earlier, he had been reading a passage in the Gospel of Matthew about John the Baptist. As our God is wont to do, He used multiple methods to invite Caleb to consider baptism, aligning Caleb’s heart and preparing him to take this step of faith.
Wanting to be filled with the Holy Spirit and renew his commitment to be a follower of Jesus, he attended a Baptism Preparation Class. This class provided knowledge, biblical context, and reinforced the “why” of baptism in a way that Caleb found helpful.
“I was a believer, but now I wanted to start following,” he says.
On the day of the baptism, Caleb found himself questioning if he was ready for this because he knew he still had things to work on. Pastor Jim Caler provided guidance and encouragement, reminding Caleb that baptism is not an act demonstrating our perfection, but it’s about the commitment to walking with Jesus. In courage and faith, Caleb took the step to be baptized in the freezing waters of Lake Michigan. Pastor Jim was the one to baptize him.
That day on the beach, Caleb felt supported in ways both expected and unexpected. His invited family and friends came to support him, along with new friends he had met a few days prior at a 20s and 30s cookout event. These new friends came to witness his step of faith and pray with him afterwards. Caleb describes the day as “uplifting”and says,“I felt so loved!” This story of the body of Christ coming alongside one another is a great reminder that the life of discipleship and commitment to Jesus is not walked alone.
Through different seasons of falling back from faith, God has consistently invited Caleb back to Himself using sermons, scripture, the baptism class, leaders who answered questions, and friends who offered encouragement.
Caleb has a renewed faith. Baptism provided a crucial moment for him where he took a conscious step into a new walk with Christ. It was a milestone he will not soon forget.
“I’m not just speaking it, I’m doing it,” he says, “Faith becomes walking.” ■
Eastbrook Church baptisms take place each September and June in Lake Michigan. Prior to baptism, we ask you to take a Baptism Prep Class. Find upcoming dates for classes and baptisms online at
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