Read John 14:6-14
Many years ago, I remember my mother and father trying to explain things to me but my stubbornness would cause me to question everything they said. They would finally get so frustrated that the conversation would end with the explanation “because I said so.”
Jesus was up against a similar problem. Some of His friends and followers didn’t get it. He said “I am the way (to the kingdom) the truth (about all things of value) and the life (of eternity.) No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.” This is the plain and simple truth.
But like the children of today, the children of the Jesus’ day needed more info. Philip wanted to clarify the simplest of thoughts by asking for Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus had to explain, again, His mission on earth and what was expected of us as a result.
This week, before we face the sadness of the Passion, we are seeing that Jesus did not leave us without reassuring us that we would be taken care of. He promises us happiness, security and eternal life by following Him and doing deeds as He would have. Still, we want things to be explained and cleared up; itemized and categorized. We forget that sometimes simple words say the most complicated things.
Jesus and the Father were one. And why should we believe it?
Because He said so.
For reflection:
- How hard is it for you to believe the promises and statements of Jesus, such as the ones He makes here in John 14?What will you do to increase your confidence in all He has said?
by Margaret Duchrow
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