I have been known to share with people one of my favorite things about God: He sees through all of the bull. While this may not be the most tender way of stating the truth, it is not only real, but just and beautiful. Today we read of the offerings honored and not honored by God. Why did God accept one, but not the other? Perhaps it had nothing to do with offerings themselves, but instead to do with the intentions, emotions or heart behind them.
Although it does take action to grow produce, it is not nearly as demanding as raising livestock. Look at it this way: if a garden isn’t weeded, watered, or maintained, some plants will still produce. On the other hand, if a newborn creature isn’t nurtured or protected, they will die. Possibly, God identified these very distinctions between the offerings and that is why one was received and not the other.
I can imagine (and have experienced), that it would be offensive to be rejected for something you worked hard on. In this case, even though Cain’s offering was rejected, God still loved him and forewarned him in Genesis 4:7 of the consequences of the thoughts he might encounter. I believe this is precisely why Mathew (and other disciples) recorded Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:24 about ruling over desires and temptations, especially when things don’t go our way. The offerings of Cain and Abel may not at all be about what was offered, but actually be about the quality, meaning, and sincerity behind the offerings. God sees through our empty words and actions, yet chooses to love us (Matthew 9:12-13).
Jesus loves integrity. He loves His children not only cheerfully rendering over the good things, but genuinely offering over their hurts, hang ups, and habits to Him (Matthew 11:28-30).
For reflection:
- What have you offered to God, but felt like it was rejected and why do you think it was?
- When have you “gone through the motions” of obedience to God but without being fully invested in what you were doing? How can you avoid this moving forward in your life with God?
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