As we begin this Lenten season, my thoughts go back a couple of years to when I was in college. Lent coincided with a class I was auditing, called “The Incarnation of God.” One of the truths we were learning was that Christ not only lives in us, but Scripture also says, we are “in Christ.” I had heard this phrase countless times, but now it struck me differently. During the first days of Lent, God was convicting me of sin in my life, and I was wrestling to believe that I could be “in Christ” when my anger, pride, and apathy were being lit up like neon signs. I mentioned my question and confusion to my professor. “It’s amazing that Christ lives in me, but I’m having a hard time believing that I can be in Christ when my sin is glaring me in the face.”
With no condescension, my professor smiled and simply said, “that’s the journey of the Christian life. That’s what sanctification looks like.”
In an unexpected but powerful way, God was showing me how He works to make us more like Jesus. He illuminates our sin, and by His grace, we begin to see it for what it is: ugly and utterly offensive to God.
Reading this Psalm of David, I hear a man who has been made very aware of his sin. He knows he is guilty of adultery, murder, and deceit, but he doesn’t justify his actions or even spout, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again” like someone who’s been caught. The conviction God brings through Nathan the prophet goes deeper, changing David’s heart. He offers the Lord his crushed heart and asks that God will create a pure heart in its place. He brings a broken spirit and prays to receive one that is steadfast and willing. He knows God will not despise this kind of sacrifice, one that reveals true repentance.
For reflection:
- What sin is the Holy Spirit bringing to your attention? He does this not to shame or condemn you, but to invite you into true repentance, a change of heart, and deeper communion with Him.
- Praise God for His faithful love and forgiveness. Praise Him because of His rich mercy and tender compassion!
by Christina Crawford
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