What is the greatest invitation you have ever received? Maybe as a kid you received a spectacular invite in the mail to your best friend’s birthday party, and you dreamed about it for weeks ahead of time. Maybe as an adult you were invited to watch or take part in the wedding of a lifelong friend, and you awaited the day with flourishing joy.
In this story, Jesus uses an illustration to describe what He came here to do. His plan to save His people began with an invitation to the Jews, then an invitation to all Gentiles. What is so surprising is the point He makes to honor the “poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.” These are specifically the people Jesus wants invited to His feast—those most ignored, disdained, disadvantaged, and unincluded.
Take a moment to notice the way Jesus describes this invitation. The story says the man sent out many initial invitations (vs. 16), then sent his servant to invite more people again and again (vs. 22). “There is still room,” the man says. He is determined to fill his house with any who will come, and each time the servant returns, he sends him out for more! Notice in verse 23 the attitude with which he sends his servant…he compels and urges them to come. He is not just obliging to invite the marginalized, he is actively pursuing them and inviting them on purpose. Don’t miss what they are being invited to—in verse 16 it says he has prepared a great feast and verse 17 says the feast is ready now!
In John 10:10, Jesus says clearly, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” There is something wonderful and big that Jesus is inviting you to, His kingdom feast, which is ready now. Notice from this story that our job is to respond to Jesus’ invitation. He will fill His house with anyone who wants to come, and His feast is not delayed or diminished by those who make excuses not to come.
Do you find yourself in the list of people ignored and disdained, disadvantaged or unincluded? Try quieting your mind for a minute to imagine the feast Jesus prepares for you. What does it look like? Who is there with you? Picture the delight on Jesus’ face that you have responded to His invitation and now celebrate with Him in His home. Is there someone else you want to invite to this feast with you?
For reflection:
Why do you think some reject the initial invite to join the feast? How does it impact you to know God will go to such lengths to make sure everyone is invited to join Him?
by Emily Capp
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