Courage & Obedience

Read Matthew 1:5Ruth 1:6-18 & Ruth 2:8-12

Whether it is in my own life or the life of another, I am always in awe of the beautiful, intricate tapestry God weaves. He reveals His intentions for His creation through our obedience, allowing for moments of divine revelation. Some of those moments are small encouragements through a simple act of kindness. Other times, we realize that what seemed like an inconsequential act of faith, was actually a turning point.  

As we live in response to the Spirit, God uses our obedience to further His kingdom. Bringing our walk to the notice of those whom He wills, God uses us as part of His redemption story. This truth is clearly seen in the life of Ruth. By choosing to serve Naomi despite the fears of an unknown land, Ruth brought about a multi-faceted redemption she could have never imagined. Even though Naomi’s blessing over her, “May the Lord show you kindness…May the Lord grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband” was meant for Ruth’s new life back in Moab, the blessing was still honored by Yahweh; just not in the way it was intended. 

Not only does Ruth find physical redemption by gleaning in the barley fields, she comes to experience spiritual redemption by committing herself to Naomi’s God, social redemption through the favor of Boaz, and familial redemption in her marriage to Boaz.  

The fruits of Ruth’s faith came to benefit more than just herself. She became a thread in the greater redemptive story of all humanity with the birth of her son Obed, father of Jesse, father of David.  Boaz offers another blessing, again, given with no idea of how it might turn out. “May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”

Ruth is an inspirational example of living out a courageous faith. Only God knows what can happen when a life is lived obediently. Only God can give us the courage to override fear through faith. 

For Family Discussion: List some of your friends. In what ways can you put them first? 

For Personal Reflection: When you placed your faith in Jesus was it an emotional choice or a lifelong commitment?  How can you grow in faith that overrides fear? 

by Jennifer Dreger