Is there any one word in the English language with as much power as the word, “but”? I know it has impacted my life many times throughout the years. I remember an English teacher in high school telling me “but” essentially serves as an eraser of all that comes before it….in bad ways and good ways.
Think about—someone gives you a great compliment, then follows it with a “but.” What do you take away from conversation? If you’re like me, usually not the compliment, just the correction or the criticism that follows it.
“Jim, that was a great play you made on that fading fly ball to right center field BUT why in the world did you swing at that pitch in the dirt in the 5th inning?”
“Jim, you’re a super nice guy, BUT let’s just be friends, okay?” (Ouch)
Fortunately, “but” can also be used in a positive way.
“I know you were frustrated when got tongue tied in your message, BUT, I really needed to hear the encouragement to memorize God’s promises, thank you!”
Romans 5 is a powerful example of the positive power of “but.” In verses 12-14, Paul makes a clear argument that sin and death entered and ruled the world from the time of Adam. He pulls no punches, “in this way death came to all people, because all sinned….”
Left to itself, this statement would be a depressing reality…death for all of us! Fortunately, Paul follows it up with that magical, powerful word…”but!”
“BUT the gift is not like the trespass…How much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!”
Our Lenten journey this year will walk us through many examples of the brokenness and consequences sin brings into our world. For 40 days, we will be reading and hearing about some classic examples from Genesis that demonstrate the fractured relationship we have in God because of our sin. But, as we see these tragic stories, we know our journey ends with the hope and grace of God coming to us all through the death, the burial and resurrection of Jesus.
For Reflection:
- The Bible is full of verses that use “but” to provide hope and healing to us. Look up a few of them and think of the difference that one little word makes in our lives!
- Where do you need the “but” of God’s grace to most show up in your life today?
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