Read Isaiah 42:1-4 and Matthew 12:15-21
”He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” (Isaiah 42:4)
I’ve loved reading stories ever since I could remember. My mom and I would go to the library and I would pick out as many books as I could stack in my arms even before I could read on my own. I loved the process of reading through a story and getting lost in the character’s world. Being part of a narrative, a story so much larger than yourself, was some- thing I frequently thought about, wanting to be similar to the heroes from my favorite books and movies.
In our world today, it’s easy to lose hope at what surrounds us. If we view our lives in the sense of just our own individual story, it’s easy to get lost in the mundane of our lives; often we’re surrounded by discomfort and pain that we go through. I frequently have to slow down and remind myself that I am part of a narrative so much larger than myself—that of God’s story of redemption—and how grateful I am to play a part in His story. In the Old Testament, a lot of the writing from the prophets reference this narrative: of God’s steadfast love to a people who are quick to turn away, again and again. Despite their failings then, as well as our shortcomings now, God still invites us to be part of His narrative of restoration and hope.
I’m grateful that Jesus doesn’t falter or become discouraged with the injustice in the world, because I know I certainly can be. He knew what He was stepping into when He came into our world filled with injustice and pain. And the narrative of Scripture and the writings of the Old Testament prophets tell the overarching story of how we have such a God who will meet us in this world we live in, and will eventually establish justice on earth.
- Take some time this week to intentionally slow down and reflect on your own story. How does your life story fit in with God’s overarching narrative of redemption and hope for the world?
- Are there parts of this story that you’ve lost hope in? How can you let God into that suffering to bring healing to your heart?
written by Andrea Beck
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