4th Grade Faithmarker: Loving God’s Word
Saturday, September 21 · 9 am · Meet in the Church Lobby
Most children by the age of 10, unless they have a special need, are reading for comprehension. This means they can read the Bible by themselves and in so doing listen to God. Learning to intentionally spend time with God alone is a milestone to celebrate. For 4th graders, a six-week unit on the value of God’s word is offered during Sunday School. During part of the class time, students spend time alone with God reading his word and reflecting on the meaning. Teachers guide students through this process building confidence in their ability to listen to God. The students also learn the scripture passage Psalm 119:9-18. They recite this passage one weekend in early spring during the worship services. A celebration of their growing ability to have God time is celebrated during that same weekend with a dessert reception after the Saturday service.
This morning retreat is for 4th Graders who attend Eastbrook Sunday School. This retreat introduces a unit on reading the Bible independently, learning how to study and appreciate God’s Word. Parents—join us for a time of Bible presentation and prayer at the end of the morning. Registration required by September 14.
Questions? Contact Laura; [email protected], 414.228.5220 x264.