Fall Retreat for Students (Grades 5-12)
Friday, September 13 (Drop off between 4:30-6:00 pm) – Sunday, September 15 (Pick-up between 1:30-2:30 pm) · Phantom Ranch, Mukwonago
Fall Retreat returns in a traditional fashion this year! Join us as we kick off the year together and set the tone of worship and community. This year’s retreat will be at Phantom Ranch in Mukwonago.
The cost for this event is $175 (including camp, food, t-shirt, and activities). Please bring extra cash if you’d like to participate in horseback riding or paintball (see registration form for more details).
Registration is required by Saturday, August 31.
Questions? Contact Pastor Nic Fridenmaker; [email protected], 414.228.5220 x242.