Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Fridays, January 10-April 25 (except April 18) · 9-10:45 am · Fellowship Hall or Zoom
Our theme for the year is “Cultivating a Heart for God.” Study guides are available at the Church Office or at in-person groups for $10.
Spring Schedule:
- January 10
- January 17
- January 24
- January 31
- February 7
- February 14
- February 21
- February 28
- March 7
- March 14
- March 21
- March 28
- April 4
- April 11
- April 18—No Study (Easter)
- April 25
For Your Kids!
During this Friday morning study, childcare is available for children through age 5 whose moms are on-campus, attending the Bible study. Nursery (rooms B123 and B125) cares for children from 0 – 2 years of age, while children between ages 2-5 are invited to attend Lambs School (Room B126) for a structured environment where children learn to memorize God’s Word, to honor and obey His commands and to improve on listening & cooperating skills with other children and adults. Click here to pre-register for either classroom, as well as read more details about what a typical morning entails!
Can’t make it on Fridays?
Please note that we will be offering the same study on Wednesday nights in person or on Zoom!
Friday Study Questions? Contact Cathy Williams, [email protected].