Jesus spent much time in Capernaum as He ministered in Galilee. Here, Jesus was asked by a centurion to heal his servant who was suffering greatly. Under Rome and having command in their military, the centurion well understood authority. With faith in the divine authority and power of Jesus, he called Him “Lord.” In humility, he stated his unworthiness to have Jesus in his home. He believed and the word of Jesus healed his servant. Jesus was astonished at his faith and marveled about it to His followers, telling them of separation from God for those who chose not to believe in Him.
Later in the Gospel of Matthew, we see that it is the Roman governor Pontius Pilate who was amazed by Jesus. Betrayed, beaten, mocked, falsely accused and on trial before Pilate, Jesus remained silent instead of defending Himself. In authority, Jesus chose excruciating pain, suffering and horrible death on a Cross. Jesus demonstrated ultimate love and humility, taking God’s wrath for all sin upon Himself to bring forgiveness, healing and life with God forever to all who believe. In God’s power and authority Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended to heaven. In authority, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to live in His followers and sends them to all nations to do His work.
God commands all believers to submit to the authority of Jesus in every area of our lives. He moves us to humility and loves us unconditionally. He increases our faith in Jesus and grants wisdom, power and love for His glory and all of our good. During a time of my own suffering and trial, Jesus gave me His Word to exalt Him, humble myself to His authority and receive His divine healing. By God’s mercy and grace His work in me continues. Galatians 2:20 is my life verse: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
For reflection:
- How does the account of the centurion encourage your faith in Jesus’ authority in all things?
- How is Jesus calling you to live by faith, humility and in His authority today?
by Karen Whaley
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